Three Primary Reasons To Take Your Child To A Dentist
Posted on: 1 December 2021
Every parent's desire is for their children to have good oral health. However, childhood is full of adventures and explorations that may compromise a child's dental health. More often than not, children get injured while playing and can hurt their teeth and gums in the process. They could also have poor oral hygiene or use bad brushing techniques, resulting in gum irritation or cavities. While these problems are also common in adults, they can have severe consequences on a child's development and growth. Visit your children's dentist regularly to make the most out of their services and prevent a host of oral problems in the process. This article will list and explain three common dental issues that affect children:
Crooked Teeth
It is rare for children to grow perfectly straight teeth without dental intervention. Many children suffer from various orthodontic problems that result from how their teeth grow and come together. Children who rarely visit their dentists often suffer from overbite, open bite, underbite, and teeth spacing issues. Children's dentists can take measures to prevent overcrowding and misalignments of your child's teeth. For example, there are many treatment options, including braces and Invisalign, unique to each patient. A skilled pediatric dentist can create an individualized treatment regimen to remedy your child's crooked teeth.
Tooth Decay
It is no secret that children love sugary things. As a result, many prefer a sugar-heavy diet, which can be detrimental to their oral health. Foods like candies, cakes, and soda can increase the chances of your child suffering from dental cavities and tooth decay. These substances can form plaque that eats away the enamel and wears out your child's teeth. While parents can ensure their children consume less sugar in their diet, teaching them good brushing and flossing techniques is crucial. However, a children's dentist is in the best position to help them develop good oral hygiene. They may incorporate play-based remedies that encourage frequent brushing, mitigating tooth decay.
Gingivitis and Gum Diseases
Children with poor oral hygiene are likely to suffer from aggressive pediatric gingivitis. The symptoms include swelling, gum bleeding, and recession, which act as precursors to gum disease. If your child suffers from gum disease, they can lose their teeth prematurely and get severe mouth infections. When you notice your child feeling pain or discomfort when brushing or flossing, it might be a sign of gingivitis. To prevent further complications, take them to a children's dentist for an accurate diagnosis. These experts will treat them and advise you on avoiding the reoccurrence of the condition in the future.